4 Simple strategies to keep work from eating into your personal time.
If your work life feels like it’s swallowing up your personal time, here are 4 simple strategies to help you reduce work creep and the stress, overwhelm and anxiety that go with it.
Read MoreEliminate Work Creep and Reclaim Your Life!
Working long hours may be costing you more than you know. If your work is crowding out your family and leisure time, you may be experiencing work creep and there’s something you can do about it.
Read MoreMake Progress or Savor the Moment? The surprising gift in learning to do both.
A life lived in the delicate and conscious balance of both progress and presence is a life fueled by purpose and filled with meaning. When you can both dream and be awake to the moment to moment experience of your life, surprising gifts await you.
Read MoreNo is the new Yes: Seven ways to make space for what matters most.
Are you sick of people telling you that you need to get better at saying no? The skill of saying no in a way that opens up more space and greater ease in your life involves more than simply a good script.
Read MoreEmbrace Your Limits: How drawing boundaries creates more freedom and less stress.
In a survey released in January by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), the percentage of adult Canadians reporting anxiety, loneliness and depression was at its highest level since the onset of the pandemic. In the case of working adults, to what degree was the Pandemic the cause or just the straw that broke the camel’s back?
Read MoreWhere to Find Inspiration When You’re not Feeling Inspired.
It’s possible as you steel yourself for another COVID winter, the last thing you feel is inspired. If you’re struggling this winter, here are five places to look for inspiration.
Read MoreStart Here
I’m writing this in January. We’re in the full throes of winter here and it’s freezing out there. At the same time, the Omicron virus is washing over us like a tsunami and, once again, we’re facing another winter in various stages of lockdown. There’s lots to feel grumpy about and for some of you, there may be good reasons to feel worried or discouraged.
Read MoreHow to Reclaim Your Morning and Rock Your Day!
Does your day feel out of control before you get out of bed in the morning? Does the incessant dinging of your smartphone get your heart pumping faster than a morning run? Do you find you’re staring down 500 emails before you’ve even gotten out of your jammies. If the first 30 to 60 minutes…
Read More10 Ways to Boot Up Your Day in Under 30 Minutes
If you’d love to start your day feeling less stressed, more confident, and more in charge, try booting up with ONE of these morning routines. No time? No problem. Each of these routines can be performed in under 30 minutes and some of them take just a few seconds. If you don’t have a consistent…
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